Summer is on the way!!! Can't wait to be back in the garden and serving my "almost famous" lemonade! These two versions of lemonade are fit for a princess! What many people don't realize, is that they...
Author: Colleen Sowa @colleenlucky7
Sweetened, spiced hot tea is sold all over India by chai wallahs, or tea sellers. This version, which is adapted from "Street Food of India" by Sephi Bergerson, is made with black tea, fresh ginger, green...
Author: Julia Moskin
Summer. Did you notice the word is only one letter away from 'simmer'? I know it gets really hot and humid in some areas, but no matter where you live a favorite drink in the summertime is iced tea. I...
Author: Yvonne Condit @BouTEAqueRoom
Oh so fresh and fruity! The Crew and I had a tough time finding Meyer lemons out of season (Dec-April), so we used regular lemons instead. Well, let me tell you, that didn't hurt the recipe a bit! The...
Author: S I @SyiLuvsPastries
The Crew and I wondered how this root beer would possibly have effervesce when there didn't seem to be an ingredient to make it happen. But watching it as it sat in the sun, you could see the yeast at...
Author: Robin Poindexter @robinlynn
i like eggnog and decided to try out this reciepe i had in my mind and it worked. i didn't have to run to the store to buy it. i had all ingredients in my house.
Author: Grace Camp @grace123
My daughter absolutely LOVES iced tea. I began looking for an alternative to the costly, high fructose corn syrup, pre-packaged, shelve stable iced tea at the supermarket many months ago because I don't...
Author: Yvonne Briggs @PandaBear625
From Refreshing Refreshments by JoAnna M. Lund.
Author: Vicki Butts (lazyme) @lazyme5909
I found this recipe in one of my cocktails cookbooks and got a chance to make it today....YUM!
Author: S I
This is good to use up some of that summer time watermelon and yummy too.
Author: tiffani ross
This easy Banana Milk has four all natural healthy yet simple ingredients in it and it hits that sweet spot just right. It is a quick and easy light breakfast or snack made in the blender in less than...
Author: Beth Pierce
Refreshing Strawberry Lemonade is perfect for all your summer entertaining needs. With a handful of ingredients, a little advanced preparation and five minutes you can have a delicious cold thirst quencher...
Author: Beth Pierce
This is one of the first recipes that I added to my first recipe file that was my very own, back when I was in junior high school. I have used this recipe ever since then, whenever I want to make that...
Author: Vickie Parks
This Is From My Diabetic cook Book. I Make This For Myself And Who Ever Is Here,As It Taste Great,We Like It To Much.
Author: Doris Ware
This makes a wonderful flavored iced tea beverage, and the bright red color makes it look so appealing. Depending on the brand of tea you use, the passion tea blends have the flavor of hibiscus, lemongrass...
Author: Vickie Parks
Rich and creamy, this Homemade Holiday Eggnog is sure to please everyone! Sprinkle on some nutmeg and enjoy this incredible traditional beverage...
Author: Francine Lizotte
Peaches and summertime. They just go together. And this drink has the added taste and fragrance of fresh basil.
Author: Lynnda Cloutier @eatygourmet
What is tonic? Like its partner gin, tonic can be a blend of many different things, depending on the recipe, which is generally proprietary. But, also like gin (which, no matter what other ingredients,...
Author: Eric Asimov
I had the blessing of going to the Ritz Carlton Spa one time (don't be jealous, it was my only time in my life!0). They had water in their spa that was just incredibly refreshing, so I call this "Spa Water."...
Author: Michelle Koletar/Mertz @Mertzie
Flavorful, easy to make and so refreshing, this is a great cold beverage to quench your thirst this summer!
Author: Francine Lizotte @ClubFoody
If you don't need it to be diabetic you can replace the creamer with whipping cream for extra richness.
Author: Annacia * @Annacia
this is a slightly different method of making spiced coffee ahead of time, to serve whenever you wish. Source: unknown
Author: Lynnda Cloutier @eatygourmet
One of those recipes that's a great concept rather than a precise formula. Something delicious and rather unique to enjoy.
Author: Annacia * @Annacia
this is a great drink my dad makes it cool you off on a hot summer day
Author: Patsy Fowler @hellchell1
This is a refreshing drink from Winner's Restaurant in Seattle.
Author: Vicki Butts (lazyme) @lazyme5909
A refreshing spritzer for those who want to try something a little bit different with watermelon.
Author: Jamallah Bergman @pmyodb1
Who says coffee has to be always the same? Surprise someone you love with this classic frozen espresso. Who knows what will happen?
Author: Annacia * @Annacia
I use this in place of milk for cold and hot cereals and in deserts, though some deserts I use undiluted...will need stirred before each use
Author: Valerie Nagle @optomisty
A gastly black drink with a erie green glow hand floating around with eyeball ice cubes
Author: Stormy Stewart @karlyn255